Changelog History

V 2.3.0 - 3rd February 2021

  1. WordPress 5.6 updated

  2. PHP 8 Updated

  3. Plugins Updated

  4. Known bugs removed

  5. Style files updated

V 2.2.9 Elementor Added - 28th October 2020

  1. Update hello.js 2012-2020

  2. Vehicle history report only for admin

  3. Fixed translation issue on category base template

  4. Added Elementor page builder with all shortcodes in theme

  5. Plugin updated

  6. Style issues fixed

V 2.2.9 Elementor Added - 28th October 2020

  1. Update hello.js 2012-2020

  2. Vehicle history report only for admin

  3. Fixed translation issue on category base template

  4. Added Elementor page builder with all shortcodes in theme

  5. Plugin updated

  6. Style issues fixed

V 2.2.9 Elementor Added - 28th October 2020

  1. Update hello.js 2012-2020

  2. Vehicle history report only for admin

  3. Fixed translation issue on category base template

  4. Added Elementor page builder with all shortcodes in theme

  5. Plugin updated

  6. Style issues fixed

V 2.2.8 - 04th September 2020


  1. Security update

  2. styling issue fixes

V 2.2.7 - 07th July 2020


  1. Add video upload option in sill your car form.

  2. Improve review stamp with VIN number option

  3. Styling issue fixes

V 2.2.6 - 17th June 2020


  1. PDF upload, max size issue resolved

V 2.2.5 - 13th June 2020


  1. Add Package expiry email when it is going to expire with corn job.

  2. Ad Simple ad expiry days.

  3. Ad should Expire or trashed, after ad expiration days with a back end option (mark as expired or trashed when ad expire in theme option)

  4. Promo code: Promo code offers for packages

  5. Vehicle Review Stamps Car Certified Logo.

  6. Show related Depending upon the category or subcategory from the back end.

  7. PDF brochure while car posting

  8. Add distance and capacity unit in theme options.

  9. User phone number and license number required/not.


  1. Taxonomy title translation issue resolved on the detail page. (condition, page, milage, etc).

  2. Fix social sharing like Facebook.

  3. Fix category base search page.

  4. Fix crop image on-grid and listing.

  5. Plugin updates

  6. Style updates

  7. Translation files updates

V 2.2.4 - 25th February 2020


  1. Security update. (We will request all buyer to update your theme to latest version)

V 2.2.3 - 28th January 2020


  1. Missing escaping added

V 2.2.2 - 24th January 2020


  1. Translation files

V 2.2.1 - 23rd January 2020


  1. Security Updates (We will recommend you update theme to latest version)

  2. Counter issue fixed

  3. RTL issues fixed

  4. Translation files

  5. Plugin updated

V 2.2.0 - 14th November 2019


  1. Dashboard Menu drag and drop from theme options

  2. Radius search with google

  3. Featured ads with respect to a category on the search page

  4. Search count o search page

  5. Compare ads Front end

  6. WP All Import Compatible

  7. Search field instead of Post ad button

  8. Social links issue fixed on a public profile

  9. Translation files updated

  10. Style improved

  11. Plugin updated

V 2.1.9 - 6th August 2019


  1. Registration Process Off/ON. Only admin can post ads. login sign up button hidden

  2. Single dealer/ Multi Dealer options added

  3. Added "Sell your car" button switch with a custom button.

  4. Post Add from the Back end(default form + custom fields )

  5. Added option to select dealer/individual from the back end. Admin can set any register user type (Individual or dealer)

  6. AddedIn back end admin can assign ads to any user. Name and his email ( with be visible

  7. Add ads Type order change in Back end

  8. Added Owl carousel on detail page sidebar

  9. Added Captcha On/Off if there isn't captcha key inserted

  10. My Inventory default images added on a public profile

  11. Date format i18n on public profile and reviews

  12. Star rating text translated

  13. Ads count in widgets on the search page

  14. Reset password modal issue fixed and moved to the footer

  15. Email template for make offer corrected

  16. Footer type issue fixed

  17. Social links issue fixed on the public profile

  18. Translation files updated

  19. Style improved

  20. Plugin updated

V 2.1.8 - 1st June 2019


  1. New Modern User Dashboard

  2. Dealer or Individual based profile

  3. New User/Dealer Rating system.

  4. New user Profile view

  5. Search options ( radio + checkbox)

  6. Search Sidebar Position

  7. Crop Images Forcefully

  8. Plugin updated

  9. Translation files updated

  10. Style improved

  11. Price search without a search button

V 2.1.7 - 23rd April 2019


  1. Missing Sanitize Text issue fixed

V 2.1.6 - 23rd April 2019


  1. Security Fixes/Improved

  2. Finance calculator Currency From the back end

  3. Submit post issue with Image upload fixed

  4. Average in city and Average in the highway from the back end and category-based form

  5. Scrolling issue on a single page fixed

  6. Translation file updated

  7. Plugin updated

  8. CSS improved

  9. RTL Translation and Style improved

V 2.1.5 - 21st March 2019


  1. Demo Importer improved.

V 2.1.4 - 15th March 2019


  1. The map on Single page overlapping sticky menu issue fixes

  2. Added call to action buttons in the call to action 3 shortcode

  3. AnThe issue on package page fixed

  4. Added link to clients partners

  5. Footer apps title issue fixed

  6. Services header button on the mobile issue fixed.

  7. Style Improved

  8. Plugin updated

V 2.1.3 - 21st February 2019


  1. Plugin Updated

  2. Style improved

  3. Small fixes

  4. RTL style fixes

V 2.1.2 -31st January 2019


  1. Translation files updated

  2. Style improved

V 2.1.1 -30th January 2019


  1. Added new 2 new home pages

  2. Finance calculator added

  3. Offer price form for detail page added

  4. Fuel Economy option added

  5. Schedule test drive form added

  6. 10+ new shortcode added

  7. Templating issue resolved

  8. Blog category issue resolved

  9. Google social login branding issue resolved

  10. Updated all plugins

  11. Style improved

V 2.1.0 -12th December 2018


  1. Compatible With WordPress 5.0

  2. Wp Bakery Updated.

V 2.0.9 -27th November 2018


  1. Images Re-arrange(sorting) option added.

  2. Ad Post categories issue fixed.

  3. Ad Post location issue fixed.

  4. Woo-commerce issue fixed.

  5. Shop detail page issue fixed.

  6. More than one shop item in cart option added.

  7. Search page issue fixed.

  8. Turn off the custom location option added.

  9. RTL issue fixed.

  10. Search page issue fixed.

  11. Responsiveness issue fixed.

  12. Translation files updated.

  13. Category issue fixed on the search page.

  14. Location issue fixed on the car detail page.

  15. Map issue fixed.

  16. CarSpot plugin updated.

  17. All plugins updated.

V 2.0.8 -29th October 2018


  1. Wp Bakery Updated.

  2. Plugin updated.

  3. Styling issue fixed.

  4. Woo commerce files updated.

V 2.0.7 -19th September 2018


  1. Map issue fixed.

  2. Plugin updated.

  3. Date field issue fixed in ad post.

V 2.0.6 -20th August 2018


  1. Plugin updated.

  2. Add New Field Options in The Categories Based Template (Checkbox, Date, Website URL)

V 2.0.5 -30th July 2018


  1. Open Street Map Integrated (Free).

  2. Shop price fixed.

  3. Contact Form 7 issue fixed.

  4. Woocommerce Review Tab Fixed.

  5. Plugins Updated.

  6. Improved Styling.

  7. No price ads fixed.

V 2.0.4 -16th July 2018


  1. Plugins Updated.

  2. Grammatically errors fixed.

  3. Style issue fixed.

  4. Text block shortcode issue fixed

  5. Blog page title issue fixed

V 2.0.3 -7th July 2018


  1. Plugins Updated.

  2. Grammatically errors fixed.

  3. Style issue fixed.

V 2.0.2 -13th June 2018


  1. Price in millions issue fixed

  2. WooCommerce template updated.

  3. Term & condition checkbox fixed on WooCommerce page.

  4. Search Issue Fixed.

  5. Ad Posting with social registration fixed.

  6. Email Templates Fixed.

  7. Package Expiry button link fixed.

  8. Plugins Updated.

V 2.0.1 -23rd May, 2018


  1. Added General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Compliance.

  2. Ad Post Image Size Limit Increased.

  3. Pot Files Updated.

  4. Plugins Updated.

V 2.0.0 -22th April, 2018


  1. Compatible with latest PHP version 7.2.4.

  2. Packages system added.

  3. WPBakery Page Builder updated.

  4. Plugin Updated.

  5. Css issue fixed.

V 1.1.7 -14th April 2018


  1. The category search issue fixed.

  2. Category based issue fixed.

  3. WPBakery Page Builder updated.

  4. Plugin Updated.

V 1.1.6 -19th February 2018


  1. Bump up the ad issue fixed.

  2. WoCommerce templates updated.

  3. Country->City->State Text option from backed.

  4. Google Map Language option added.

  5. Theme translation files updated.

  6. Category issue fixed on ad posting.

  7. Plugin Updated.

V 1.1.4 -25th January 2018


  1. jQuery error fixed.

  2. Blurry Images fixed.

  3. Responsive issue fixed.

  4. WooCommerce style updated.

  5. Profile responsive issue fixed.

  6. Remove multiple meta description.

  7. Plugin Updated.

V 1.1.3 -19th December, 2017


  1. Improved Styling

V 1.1.2 -29th November 2017


  1. Button option added for the main shortcode

  2. Category with their child added.

  3. Visual Compose Updated.

  4. WooCommerce updated.

  5. Plugins updated

V 1.1.1 -18th November 2017


  1. Fix Term Taxonomy Issue With WordPress 4.9.

  2. Direct social login & registration.

  3. Visual Compose Updated.

  4. WooCommerce updated

V 1.1.0 -13th November 2017


  1. Email Verification at registration

  2. Single Ad category & location redirect to search.

  3. Single Ad slug change option added

  4. Responsiveness updated

  5. Some CSS fix

V 1.0.9 -2nd November, 2017


  1. WooCommerce Payment Issue Fixed

  2. WooCommerce Updated

  3. Plugins Updated

V 1.0.8 -October 23rd, 2017


  1. Blog Shortcode Issue Fixed

V 1.0.7 -October 14th, 2017


  1. Last Logged In Issue Fixed

  2. Translation Issue Fixed

  3. WooCommerce Updated.

  4. Visual Composer Updated.

  5. Share Plugin Added.

  6. Shortcode Issue Fixed.

V 1.0.6 -September 23th, 2017


  1. The category change issue fixed.

  2. Theme Options Updated.

  3. The Youtube video issue fixed.

  4. Style issue fixed.

  5. Preloader Option Added.

V 1.0.5 -September 15th, 2017


  1. Responsiveness issue fixed

  2. Reviews issue fixed

V 1.0.4 -September 12th, 2017


  1. Featured Ads Issue Fixed

  2. POT files updated.

  3. Style issue fixed.

V 1.0.3 -September 11th, 2017


  1. Responsive issue fixed

  2. Added new search filter shortcode.

  3. Google search limited to one country option added.

  4. WoCommerce issue fixed.

V 1.0.2 -August 24th, 2017


  1. RTL style issue fixed

  2. Category, Sub Category Titles From Backed

  3. Added title limit for grid listing.

V 1.0.1 -August 23th, 2017


  1. Fixed small issues.

V 1.0 — August 21th, 2017


  1. Header already sent issue resolved.

Initial Release

Last updated

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