Changelog History
V 1.4.7 - November 2021
Remote Jobs API Integration with theme option on/off and the number of jobs to import.
Report the Job” and “Reports counter” to set the report limits added with on/off
If the user reports the job after complete submission of the report an email will be sent to the Admin email address and also a confirmation mail to the user's email address who reported it.
New/Old Widget style classic Editor on the widget section.
Admin will get Job Alerts Subscribers Notification in Admin Dashboard
Nokri All Search widget Categories Based Search added on Job Search Page.
On All Search widget, Location-Based Search added on Job Search Page.
Employer Active single Job statistics in the dashboard with on/off
Fixed in Elementor Candidate/Employer if we add any link in the Employer section it's automatically applied on candidate section also.
Register Widget Elementor Signup with LinkedIn URL Broken Issue Resolved.
Fixed on the job Search page Bottom Advertisement Image with no gap Issue.
Correction of Register widget shortcode Elementor wrong Input fields on the candidate side.
Education Description Text Styles issue on candidate details style 1 resolved.
Fixed on Candidate style 3 Profession Text area Text styles.
Fixed broken image showing while editing an image to crop on the candidate Dashboard.
Fixed Candidate Portfolio Dropzone box issue displaying empty on Mobile view.
Resolved Blank Page Resume Upload area in the mobile and Tablets view.
Fixed on Employer Update profile Company Portfolio styling issues on mobile view and small screens.
On candidate Job, alert Notification Page Subscribe Button strings Correction.
Resolved in employer dashboard after uploading the image while user edit/upload or crop the image throws an error.
Fixed Candidate Resume graph showing errors while newly registered user opens the profile dashboard very first time. 1
Design issue fixed on the Employer dashboard Zoom Secret key Input fields.
Dashboard Graphs on Employer Translation issues resolved.
Fixed the package purchasing and remaining applied for jobs from the previous package issue on the candidate dashboard.
Fixed Candidate and employer dashboard sidebar layout issue on small screens.
On the new user registration/signup resend the email verification issue resolved.
Bullets points are now showing properly in the description on the update profile section.
Sub-categories are now showing correctly on job details page style 2 and style 3.
Comma separated between two subcategories resolved.
V 1.4.6 - September, 2021
WordPress 5.8.1 compatibility.
Added firebase functionality to verify employer and candidate Phone numbers with country code verification with on/off in API Settings. i)- If a user Verify their number with OTP Phone number will be shown with verified text if verification is on. ii)-If a user did not verify their number with OTP it will display not verified if verification is on.
Added company Data graph chart in the admin dashboard. Now admin can view complete site Jobs, employers, candidates, etc... On the Graph chart in the dashboard with show/hide.
Terms and conditions on every contact form on all Employer detail Pages.
Candidate resume scoring in Profile update while uploading the Resume with Backend Scoring set option in candidate scoring theme option.
Added Terms and conditions on all candidates single page.
Added complete Jobs Details graph chart view on Employer-Profile Dashboard.
Added complete Received Resume Details graph chart view on Employer-Profile Dashboard.
Graph Chart on/off in theme Options Employer General Settings.
Added Graph chart that will show all Jobs apply record on Candidate profile Dashboard.
Turn on/off Graph Chart for the candidate from Theme Options Candidate settings.
Theme options Redux Framework Updated Buttons sets style issues resolved on the backend.
Added Stats Counter that will show overall Employer activities on Employer profile Dashboard with on/off Theme Options Employer General Settings.
Added Stats Counter that will show overall candidate activities on Candidate profile Dashboard with on/off Theme Options Candidate Settings.
Fixed LinkedIn authentication error while applying on a Job.
Fixed Grid style layout with horizontal search Multi-search not working Fixed Search Button Visibility.
Fixed If Elementor Pro Plugin is activated the Header on Employer dashboard is not showing.
Fixed Leaflet Map and Parsley JS Errors.
Fixed Employer and Candidate dashboard issue while using Elementor Pro Custom Header.
Fixed Download failed a valid URL not found if a user uploads a plugin in zip format from the dashboard.
Correction of strings on all Employer's page sidebar, featured employer’s widgets.
Fixed Google Captcha width on Employer details Pages and out of column style issue on style4.
Resolved Google Captcha form styling issue on Candidate's details Pages 1, 2, 3.
Fixed Employer Style 3 Member since and phone number style and fields missing.
Fixed on employer dashboard complete order on invoice string translation issue.
Fixed validations JS errors.
Resolved if admin set job post-approval manually it will not be published automatically until admin not approved it.
Fixed after posting a job later if the employer edit that existing job and make it feature now it will be featured.
Resolved if an employer has a member now member can feature the existing job.
Fixed Advertisement Widget and block Issues with WordPress 5.8.1
Fixed Multi-select search on Job Search Page Checkboxes will remain selected after the submission of the page.
Remove Dot Sign on the Sign up/ Registration page.
On the Search Page, more jobs button preloader will now work on loading the page.
Candidate Dashboard responsiveness issues resolved on the small screen.
On the candidate style 3 portfolio video Height & width layout issue was resolved.
Fixed on Candidate details style 3 Rating and Review now showing properly.
Employer Dashboard responsiveness issues resolved on the small screen.
Footer logo not showing fixed on footer style 4.
V 1.4.5 - June 17, 2021
Updated Compatibility with WordPress 5.7.2
Account Members of an Employer. Now an employer can add multiple members to manage their company's profile with Employer's permissions.
Account Members on/off in theme options Employers Settings. If existing pdf/docs slug making issue user can rewrite docs/pdfs slugs with new format from theme option URL Rewrite on/off.
All newly added media will be saved with a unique encrypted name in the Media library.
Fixed if a map from job post form turns off get errors Now if you turn off Job post-Lat/long It will not Throw JS Errors.
Resolved On the Search Setting section, if the Enable/disable multi-search is On, then the search sidebar filters now working fine.
Fixed If selected "standard Header" and also select "Menu full width" Header shift in the dashboard.
Fixed full-width layout issue on Jobs List style page.
Fixed if Admin off Team Members Now it will also be disappeared from employers Dashboard.
Fixed If Employer clicks on apply Jobs, it displays Low profile scoring message.
Strings Translation issue on search filter Map-based jobs layout.
Linkedin Login Issues resolved
Strings Translation on a modal form.
Fixed Featured job apply button does not work in Search with Map job style.
ReedCo Jobs API Integration Jobs layout issue on search with map Style.
Upload .zip Plugin from dashboard URL Not found issue resolved.
if the Enable/disable multi-search is On, then the search sidebar filters working correctly
Fixed Now if Admin Change employer's purchase package jobs value to null it will be updated to new values.
Fixed Candidates Resumes Access on backend If admin changes the value to null now it will be updated.
V 1.4.4 - April 21, 2021
Updated Compatibility with WordPress 5.7
Zoom meeting complete API integration with theme options. Meetings schedule, create, edit, update and delete the meeting from Employer dashboard.
Restriction of low profile scoring while applying on a Job with theme option button and set percentage in candidate profile scoring.
Added dot on Employer name on all employers list with theme option.
Jooble Jobs API Integration with theme option on/off and user can set the number of jobs to import with limits on External Jobs API in Theme Options on all jobs search layout pages.
On the Jobs search page you can use the Full-Width page with the on/off button in Theme options Job search Settings.
CareerJet Jobs Api integration with theme option on/off and user can set the number of jobs with limits on External Jobs API in Theme Options on all jobs search layout pages.
Work Remotely with on/off button on job post theme options.
Use on/off custom fields from theme options in the Employer detail page.
A User on/off custom fields from theme options in the Candidate details option for candidates.
Use Full-Width Menu for the main menu with on/off button Theme options in Headers Settings. API Integration with theme option on/off and user can set the number of jobs with limits on External Jobs API in Theme Options on all jobs search layout pages.
Add on/off buttons to display Team Members on employers' details pages from theme options.
GitHub Jobs API integration with theme option on/off and user can set the number of jobs with limits on External Jobs API on all jobs search layout pages.
Adzuna Jobs Api integration with theme option on/off and user can set the number of jobs with limits on External Jobs API in Theme Options on all jobs search layout pages.
Added Terms and Conditions on jobs Post page in theme options with page setup Terms & Conditions.
Fixed issue of Woocommerce Currency options and symbol positions to right/left, before and after the price in the Pricing shortcode.
Fixed Team Members' position and layout issues on employers' details page.
Resolved job title not showing on Job Board and job details page when admin posts a job from the dashboard.
Fixed for both candidate and employer default profile picture if they do not set their profile picture.
Fixed Elementor Pro Header issue now user can use the default theme header or their custom elementor Pro Header with on/off button in header settings Theme Options while using Elementor pro.
Fixed Elementor Pro footer Issue now users can use the default theme footer or their custom elementor Pro footer with the on/off button in footer settings Theme Options while using Elementor pro.
Fixed Work Remotely check box displaying issue while Employer posting a Job.
Display a message with a link if the user did not install Elementor now user can download the elementor with click on that message.
Fixed displaying country name and city name issue on all jobs page.
Fixed register/login issue with Linkedin now users can register as candidates/employers with their Linkedin account.
Fixed nokri premium jobs grid widget compatibility while using elementor pro.
Fixed Bump-up jobs not working on job search pages.
Resolved job expiry date limit on the job posting page.
Fixed on Employer details page style 3 Employer social icons missing issue.
Fixed employer details page style 4 company follow button issue from candidate side.
Fixed expired job can not be bumped up.
V 1.4.3 - February 9th, 2021
3 new employer detail pages style added (style 2,3,4)
new Job detail page added (style 3)
New all employer listing style added
Show/Hide social sidebar on Sign in shortcode/widget
Employer Last login show/hide with on/off button in theme options in Employer Settings
Candidate, last Login show/hide with on/off button in theme options in Candidate settings
An employer can add his/her own Team Members on update profile page which will be displayed on Employer detail page
if employer wants to hire only for remotely work tick checkbox on job post page page it will shows Remotely Work on job details page Else it will shows map/custom location
if a candidate follows a company/ empoloyeer heart will be filled with followed message
Total no of applicants who applied against a single job will be shown to both employer and candidate on job details page with on/off Button on job details Theme Option
Fixed if an employer post two different Jobs on same location then in related jobs it will shows same location not 0Km Distance
Fixes employer and admin bulk resume download issue
Fixed mobile view Candidate Register button Style
Fixed “Update Password” section of the Candidate account with custom location disabled
Candidate single page view all style fixed
Fixed Page redirection After Sign up
Email verification redirects to Sign in Page after successful verification
V 1.4.2 - December 28th, 2020
Added :
Company name in related jobs
WordPress 5.6 and Php 8 compatible
Candidate detail page layout issue fixes
Login and register page redirection to home page
Company follow button on/off
V 1.4.1 - December 9th, 2020
The paid alert switch was not working
WhatsApp apply on job detail 2
Visibility of view more button on mobile devices
Browse resume button hide on other languages than English on job apply
No home menu when the menu is empty
Education/profession description styling issue on the candidate profile
Job expired mail issue
Job link in the job verification email
Candidate and job link in new apply candidate email template(apply)
Unregistered user resume download in bulk on job apply (apply)
Direct access not allowed in rtl registration and sign in
Added :
Custom Company Header / or company cover Image (yobas)
Candidate cover image
Multi-select values on the job search page
Exclude premium jobs from regular jobs when premium jobs at the top
Candidate schedule hours /or working days
Employer to candidate rating
Nearby jobs on the job detail page with/on of
Compatible with elementor pro custom header/footer
Mobile number verification registration
Strong password recommendation on registration
Arabic /Urdu resume template added
The employer can generate cand resume in a different format
Profile option pub/private in theme option while registration
Change gravatar image to user profile image on/off in user settings
Subscribe to newsletter while registration on/off in user setting
Restrict employer and candidate to buy a free package after assign them at time of registration
Hide show company follow button on all employer page
Employer clear search filter button added
Response/welcome email to candidate when applying for a job
Email jobs applier shown to employer dashboard
Woo Commerce Shop and single product design added
V 1.4.0 - October 21st, 2020
Job apply with WhatsApp number (Stanislav)
Bump up jobs
Candidate profile only is shown to the registered user with on/off (user setting)
Google Recaptcha on the sign in and sign up pages(derekduy )
Featured employers show at the top
Featured Candidates also show at the top
Custom fields Search on the job search page
The progress bar on cv upload
Geolocation search for jobs
Image cropping option for profile picture candidate and employer
Admin can add job expiry limit for the job post
Hide show contact information candidate access (address, email, phone)
Horizontal search bar for job search page
Restrict employer to change job title after job post
Current Location job alert
Custom location with child location job alert
Employer specialization different from candidate skills taxonomy added
Show employer specialization on the public profile
Upload resume video directly instead of link with on/off
Paid job email alerts to candidates
Show company name on the job listing
Candidates skills as tags (mirmubasher)
On/off admin top bar
Create an alert from the candidate dashboard
Woo Commerce subscription (recurring payment )
The employer can filter the candidate that apply for the job
Apply on redirect to job detail page there you can apply with on/off
Generate resumes candidate dashboard now with on/off option
Employer download all resumes against his job now with on/off option
Subscribe alert from candidate dashboard
Download resumes for job detail list style 2
Open external link job in new tabs (JumsFadare)
Search employers on assign job to employer backend
Candidate resume generate security
Candidates page password protected from the backend
Job expiry added on quick edit and bulk edit
Candidate dotted name on all candidates page with on/off option
Admin can download resumes against a single job from the backend
Featured employer widget
Featured candidates widget
V 1.3.6 - October 8th, 2020
1) job search grid layout styling issue 2) zip resumes download issues 3) single product page issue resolve 4) custom category template load in RTL 5) leaflet map on job board backend 6) Free package assign at registration 7) pricing-modern shortcode fix 8 ) WP Bakery page builder issue fixed 9) Plugin updated 10) Style improved
V 1.3.5 - August 25th, 2020
Hide show empty category shortcodes/job search page
Show/hide loader on search jobs
Apply status text change to applied after job apply, for candidates
Candidate can generate resumes from different templates
Hide/show all sections from employer/candidate profiles
Collapse/un-collapse all filters on the job search page
Order auto-approve
Admin download all resume against a job in zipping Format
Employer download all resumes against his job in zip format
Pricing shortcode -1 value to unlimited and no more 0 jobs visible
The background image on the contact us a shortcode
WordPress update 5.5 version compatibility issues resolved
Signup Elementor widget fixed
String translation issues
Text editor on job cover letter
Leaflet map on job board backend
WP bakery plugin updated
V 1.3.4 - August 5th, 2020
Elementor support, widgets added, The Elementor demo data added (English/Arabic)
Job search page,multi-search form added
Email to the employer before and after job expiry
show/hide, show password check on login and register form
Password confirmation field on the registration form
Remember me check in the login form
Upload resume directly from hero-section1 and hero-section2 shortcodes\widgets
Generate pdf resume from the candidate profile
Show/hide employer custom location on update profile and view profile page
Follow button show/hide on employer profile
Assign a free package to the user register from social login
External redux framework compatibility issue resolved
Visual composer front end page editing fixed
A job with location shortcode fixed
A job with email apply fixed on RTL
Candidate portfolio images upload/delete issue fixed
V 1.3.3 - June 24th, 2020
Employer rating with on/off option
Make resume upload while applying job Required/optional/hide-fields (theme- option/job-setting/job-detail)
ReCaptcha in the contact form with hiding and show option.employer and candidate profile
Indeed job import
Indeed job search with different filters (clicks tracking)
Hide show candidate profile percentage
Critical error while activating the theme
Shortcode hero premium section, job apply on an external link
Shortcode (Jobs, Candidates, And Categories) category display fixed
Add a custom class in the menu from the backend
Newly created packages display in pricing shortcode
Sub-location in-hero section1 shortcode
The account gets activated without clicking the terms and condition from social logins
Apply on email jobs fixed
External job apply issue on apple devices fixed
Jobs search with job class in super_admin_dashboard.
Job order search filter on the job search page
Contact form on profile hide/show
Category filter in blog post-modern shortcode
V 1.3.2 - April 1st, 2020
Search Candidate by skill widget added
VAT and Total invoice showing separately
Job applied Resumes sorting on employer job
Change job application on the job, posted with email
Notify user by email before package expiry
Hide and show Filters on the search page on mobile devices
Candidate can see job applied status (selected/rejected etc)
Hebrew language registration
Candidate profile update scoring
Editing jobs number in the product
Job post current location issue from frontend
Scheduled email to subscribers on jobs
Image capital letter extension
packages list auto got empty even packages purchased fixed
All jobs pointer on map
Frontend Editing of Signup and SignIn pages from wp_bakery plugin
Candidate and employer dashboard issues
Radius search widget fix
Shortcode fixes (premium_jobs, premium jobs grid );
Employer packages display issue resolve
Social login auto role change issue resolve
Date autofill issue resolved
Candidate order-packages filter issue resolve
Search job by category sub level resolved
Current location lat/lang on the front end
V 1.3.1- January 23rd, 2020
Redirecting to the pricing page on job-post fixed
Candidate resume upload from mobile
Candidate detail style-three skills text overlap fix
String translation on candidate edit-profile fixed
V 1.3 - January 14th, 2020
WPML Compatible
Google Job Schema Compatible
Three magnificent home pages
Three majestic top bars
Three remarkable footers
Purple theme color
External apply package base
Candidate salary option
Candidate qualification option
Filter candidates by salary range
Filter candidates by salary type
Filter candidates by salary currency
Filter candidates by gender
Filter candidates by headline
Filter candidates by qualification
Hide/show map in candidate/employer profiles
Filter featured jobs by locations
Show gender, salary on candidate detail profile
Assign free package at registration time to candidates
Four Level categories in job alerts
Job Location in job alerts
Job Type in job alerts
Job Experience in job alerts
Widgets imports
Translation strings
POT file
Translation files
Resumes, portfolio upload on a mobile screen
Custom fields on the registration page
Custom location on the candidate profile
Admin can post-issue when register from social
CSS issues
Responsive issues
V 1.2.3 - October 25th, 2019
Resume download option with a package base in matched resume.
Resume download option enable/disable on candidate public profile.
SEO friendly search page URLs.
Redirect to sign-in page on package selection without login.
Translation files
Pot file
Nokri framework
Video resume update empty URL.
Footer 2 locations on a mobile screen.
Job question null value on-off state toggle.
CSS issues.
V 1.2.2 - October 10th, 2019
Guest button icon,text and link on header
Translation files & Pot file
Fixed Spellings
Employer portfolio on mobile screen
CSS issues
Widget collapsed icon issue
Footer 1 app section enable/disable switch
V 1.2.1 - October 4th, 2019
Custom fields for registration form
Custom fields for the Candidate profile
Custom fields for employer profile
Job alert option for followed companies and all companies
Upload resume from all resumes tab
CV scoring
Hide/show/required candidates default form fields
Hide/show/required employers default form fields
Custom labels and placeholders for candidates profile
Custom labels and placeholders for employers profile
Questionnaire added on job post with enable disable the option
Hide/show sidebar in signup shortcode
Child categories option added in hero sections
Child locations option added in hero sections
Default button option while registration
Upload resume on apply time
Hero section with hiding/show slider option
Nokri Framework
Add to any plugin
Translation files
Pot file
Show all categories on job detail
Responsive tabs issue
Admin can post issue
CSS issues
V 1.2.0 - August 21st, 2019
Added Job Alerts
Widget for job alerts
Auto candidate suggestions
Candidate packages to apply
Candidate featured profile package base
New section for candidate skills and skill values
New Shortcode with two styles for candidate packages
New Shortcode for featured candidates
Company Portfolio
Company Video option
Now Employer can delete applier resumes
Candidate dashboard menu with custom text and sorting options
Employer dashboard menu with custom text and sorting options
Candidate resume style 3 added
On click show contact number
Update CSS Files
Update JS FIles
Plugin updated
Pot file updated
Translations files updated
V 1.1.5 - July 5th, 2019
Added date validations
Save job button added on detail page
Translation files updated
Pot file updated
Plugin updated
css issues
reported issues
V 1.1.4 - June 25th, 2019
Job attachment in default job post form with enable/disable options
Apply on job with out login with enable/disable and email template option
Email job to any one with enable/disable and email template option
Employer can save resumes
Translation files updated
Pot file updated
Plugin updated
Css issues fixed
Reported issues fixed
V 1.1.3 - May 15th, 2019
Three fascinating new home pages
Hide/show/required option in default job post form
Customize able label of job post fields through out web
Category based job post template
File attachments up-loader in job post (images,docs)
YouTube video link in job post
Four level custom location in employer profile
Employer search by location
Employer search by specialization
Candidate video resume option
Radius search with search with map
New footer with re-arranging options
Validation on candidate skill value
Google plus replaced with Instagram in profiles
Plugin updated
Pot and Translation files updated
Fixed calendar translation on job post
Css issue fixed
V 1.1.2 - April 23rd, 2019
Added and Fixed
Integrated linkedin api v2
Improved data validations
Css issue fixed
Plugin updated
Pot and Translation files updated
V 1.1.1 - April 16th, 2019
Job post option from back end
Custom Candidate/Employer url rewriting
Apply with email option on job post page
Social login buttons options on signup page
Custom opening text option in short code
Package assign option at a time registration
Facebook branding
Plugin updated
Pot and Translation files updated
No of openings issue fixed
Google map auto complete issue fixed
Map hide on single job page fixed
RTL css issue fixed
CSS issue fixed
V 1.1.0 - February 27th, 2019
Added and Fixed
Job with external link added
Assign premium job class to any job from back end
Sticky menu option added
Profile picture size option added
In Packages job text from short code option added
Email template spacing issues fixed.
Search with map title issue fixed.
The search parallax location issue fixed.
Auto submitting category if no child exists removed
Auto submitting location if no child exists removed
Assign premium job class to any job from the back end
Footer link issue fixed
Employer dashboard pending order filter issue fixed
Empty dob issue fixed.
Skills responsive issue fixed
Checkbox issue fixed at check out page
English grammar issue fixed
Plugin updated
Responsive issue fixed
Pot file updated
Translation file updated
Google Login Button Branding changed
V 1.0.9 - January 29th, 2019
Added and Fixed
Job Import with WP All Import
Admin panel user type information
Enable/disable delete user profile options
Enable disable app section in footers
Hindi one click demo import added
Hindi translation files added
View All link in blog short code fixed
Typo mistake correction
Pot and Translation files updated
CSS issue fixed
V 1.0.9 - January 11th, 2019
Added and Fixed
Hindi demo launched
Jobs search with map launched
Map marker image upload option
Only admin can post job option added
Map enable/disable option at profiles and job posts
Click and get the current location on profiles and job post pages.
Low profile alert in candidate dashboard
Chang able welcome text in users dashboard option added
Place holder text change on selecting an email template
Send email on candidate status spellings mistake corrected
Change icon on all jobs button issue fixed
Contact us page email issue fixed
All employer background image removed
CSS issue fixed
Plugins updated
Pot file updated
V 1.0.7 - December 12th, 2018
Added and Fixed
Admin Options added, set expiry date and candidates resume access
Admin makes employer/candidate any user
Admin hide/show set profile option for users
Hide/show social links on public profiles
Job tags displayed
Search layout grid issue fixed
Registration link in the menu
Job post page image issue fixed
Previous package addition fixed
Spelling issue fixed
Dashboard icons size fixed
Candidates skills same values fixed
Plugin updated
CSS fixes
Translation file updated
WordPress 5.0 Supported
V 1.0.4 - December 5th, 2018
Added and Fixed
The map on single job page added
Candidates package base search added
Google Adsense advertisement slots added
Custom location search drop-down widget
Admin can edit any job detail.
Pending job message
Plugin updated
4 new theme colors
Job social share option
Translation files updated.
Improved Styling.
V 1.0.4 - November 3rd, 2018
Added and Fixed
Candidate/Employer public/private profile option added
Email notification on job apply to employer
Admin hide/show candidate/employer contact details e.g phone/email/contact form
CSS fixes
Plugin updates
Responsive issues fixes
Cover Latter added.
Translation files updated.
Improved Styling.
V 1.0.2 - October 25th, 2018
Added and Fixed
Style Improved
RTL style updates
Responsive issues fixed
Translation files updated
Email verification fixed
Plugin updates
V 1.0.1 - October 19th, 2018
Initial release with miner Issues fixes and add new demo.
Last updated
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