Upcoming Featured
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...UpComing Features
Job post and apply with WhatsApp number (Stanislav)
Bump up jobs
Candidate profile only is shown to the registered user with on/off (user setting)
Google Recaptcha on the sign in and sign up pages(derekduy )
Featured employers show at the top
Featured Candidates also show at the top
Custom fields Search on the job search page
The Progress bar on cv upload
Geolocation search for jobs
Image cropping option for profile picture candidate and employer
Admin can add job expiry limit for the job post
hide show contact information candidate access (address, email, phone)
Horizontal search bar for job search page
Restrict employer to change job title after job post
Current Location job alert
Custom location with child location job alert
Employer specialization different from candidate skills taxonomy added
Show employer specialization on the public profile
Upload resume video directly instead of link with on/off
Paid job email alerts to candidates
Show company name on the job listing
Candidates skills as tags (mirmubasher)
on/off admin top bar
Create an alert from the candidate dashboard
Woo Commerce subscription (recurring payment )
The employer can filter the candidate that apply for the job
Apply on redirect to job detail page there you can apply with on/off
Generate resumes candidate dashboard now with on/off option
Employer download all resumes against his job now with on/off option
Subscribe alert from candidate dashboard
Add download resumes for job detail list style 2
Open external link job in new tabs (JumsFadare)
Search employers on assign job to employer backend
Candidate resume generate security
Candidates page password protected from the backend
Job expiry added on quick edit and bulk edit
Candidate dotted name on all candidates page with on/off option
Admin can download resumes against a single job from the backend
Last updated
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